A Learning Experience Shared

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If you are yet to read our first instalment of ideas to innovate your planner and increase student engagement it’s well worth a look here. We promised that we had more ideas to come and here they are! This instalment is all about sharing tasks which help to engage students whilst enabling them to digest what they have learned.

#4 Share Your Lesson

Asking students to share what they have learned with a family member or friend is a great way to firmly establish what has been taught in the lesson. It is one thing to listen and absorb information but another to be able to share this information with another person and explain it to them. Albert Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”.

#5 Text a Friend

Putting a lesson into a condensed message is a tried and tested method of helping students to digest and absorb what they have learnt. Text a Friend takes this notion and brings it into the 21st Century, asking pupils to text a friend that’s missed the lesson to fill them in about what they learned. They can be encouraged to write this in their normal texting style too.

(If you liked this idea check out #1 Tweet the Task)

#6 Dear Diary...

What would a student tell their diary about their week? Perhaps they want to document their favourite lesson or talk about a particularly challenging event during their week and how they overcame it. A learning journal is a great way for students to mull over what they have learned and achieved, keeping a consistent record of their challenges and progress.  

Keep checking back for more interesting ways to revamp your homework planner, or get in touch to discuss how we could help to bring your planners up to date.